Capital Markets

Our capital markets advisory division offers strategic and customized solutions to support companies looking to seize opportunities in global financial markets.

We lend our support, as a financial advisor, for listings and raising debt capital on major European markets dedicated to small cap companies.

With a deep understanding of the market and an ambition for excellence and customization, we provide consulting for every stage of the business life cycle. We do not belong to any Banking Group and our activity is purely consultative. This prevents any kind of conflict of interest.

Broletto Corporate Advisory S.r.l. | Via del Lauro 14, 20121 Milan | P. Iva 11498570966 | REA MI-2607225 | Registered in the Milan Company Register Number 11498570966 | Paid-up capital € 79,000.00 (subscribed and paid in € 69,000.00)

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